Yam flour "AMALA DUDU" is one of the most renowned delicacy of the yoruba tribe in Nigeria, oyo descendant to be more specific it attachment with yorubas has made the food more acceptable the black pigmentation of the amala itself is an identity which has driven other tribes to give it a taste just to see how the yorubas have been enjoying the abula amala
Mostly it goes with gbegiri soup (cooked blended beans) and ewedu (jute mallow vegetable) and preferred types of meat

Simple steps to take when preparing gbegiri

  • - first and foremost blend the cooked 
  • -add about 3-5cl of of  palm oil in a cooking pan for about 3 minutes
  • -pour the blended beans in and stir, add water to achieve thickness
  • -add preferred season, cook 

Steps to make amala lump

  • -heat up water until it get to it boiling point 
  • -after boiling the water in a clean pot large enough to meet the quantity of amala you want to make
  • -gradually sprinkle the yam flour (elubo, lafun) into the boiled water
  • -get a clean turning stick, and  start to turn so it doesn't form small scattered lumps
  • -turn until the yam flour is well mixed with the boiled water. be careful while doing this so the hot water don't splash on your skin as it may cause skin injury
  • -add little more water and then place on stove back to ensure the yam flour is well cooked up 
  • -after 4-5 minutes begin to turn again to achieve a smooth textured lump of amala

How to prepare ewedu

  • -clean and blend the jute leaves then pour in a pot
  • -add iru (locust bean) with salt then add little amount of warm water then boil
  • -stir in pot and do not cover until it becomes soft and slippery
  • -ensure to heat under minimal temperature to avoid loss of it nutrient
  • - serve with your stew and amala

click here to find a very good place to find 5 star amala

watch a video of how to male abula here     


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